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Cours de guitare Laval, Rive Nord

Guitar and Bass Lessons in Laval

Wanna be the next Hendrix or Clapton? Maybe you're more of a BB King fan.
Your child may be putting on the rock star glasses sooner than you think

Our guitar lessons are available for beginning and advanced students of all ages, levels and styles.


For our younger beginners between the ages of 4 and 6 we suggest to start with the ukulele. For more information on this class click here and look for "Mini-Aloha."


Group lessons are offered to the child beginner that prefers a larger interaction. Classes are offered to the following age groups: 7-10 and 11-14 yrs old.  If more information on our group beginner classes, click here


As of 6 years old it is possible to register for private lessons. Our private classes are offered by 30, 45, or 60 minute periods weekly. Our private, individual classes offer the student unique attention in developing their musical skills. 


Proper strumming and fingering techniques, strength and speed building, note reading, recognizing and being able to play chords and notes for pieces in different musical styles offered and of course, receiving great advice given by a group of motivated and caring teachers are all included during the class. 


Prepare for concerts, exams or college admissions. Would you like to record yourself? All this is possible right now. 

Need a guitar to practice?

***Free 2 month rental with registration to lessons***

(safety deposit required)


***Back-to-school special - Classical guitar with soft case - $160***


Portrait of little girl with guitar, loo
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